HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

In this 5-day class, students learn the basics of the web platform using the most up-to-date versions of the foundational languages of the web and the latest tools.


In this 5-day class, students learn the basics of the web platform using the most up-to-date versions of the foundational languages of the web and the latest tools.


This course is designed for anyone who needs to learn basic web development.


This course is available for lease on a per seat / per day rate. The courseware includes slides, notes, assignments, and complete source code for all assignments.



  1. The Web Platform
  2. Command Prompt
    1. Basic Commands
    2. Know Your Shell
    3. Lab 01: Working with the Unix/Linux Command Shell
  3. How the Web Works
  4. Understanding Protocols
  5. How Web Browsers Work
  6. Lab 02: Working with Chrome Developer Tools–Element Tab
  7. HTML
    1. Early History of HTML
    2. The HTML Dark Ages
    3. XHTML
    4. HTML5
    5. What’s New in HTML5?
    6. Purpose of HTML
    7. Hypertext
    8. Markup Language
    9. Meta-characters
    10. Entities
    11. Elements
    12. Attributes
    14. White Space
    15. Accessibility
  8. Lab 03: Working with VS Code
  9. Lab 04: Creating an HTML Form
  10. Cascading Style Sheets
    (CSS )

    1. How CSS Works
    2. Default Styles
    3. CSS Rules
    4. The Box Model
    5. The Box Model
    6. Intro to Selectors
    7. Basic Selectors
    8. Attribute Selectors
    9. Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
    10. Combining Selectors
    11. Using Multiple Selectors
    12. Lab 05: Using CSS Selectors
    13. Cascading
    14. Values and Units
    15. CSS Layout
    16. Positioning Methods
    17. Flexbox Layout
    18. Lab 06: Positioning with CSS
    19. Responsive Design (RWD)
    20. CSS Libraries
    21. CSS Preprocessors
  11. JavaScript
    1. History of JavaScript
    2. Where Can You Use JavaScript?
    3. How JavaScript Works
    4. Client-Side vs. Server-Side Code
    5. Browser Engine
    6. JavaScript Engine
    7. JavaScript Syntax
    8. JavaScript Data Types
    9. JavaScript Primitives
    10. Variables and Arrays
    11. Creating and Using Variables
    12. Creating and Using Arrays
    13. Creating Constants
    14. Variable Scoping with const and let
    15. Lab 07: Variables, arrays, and constants in JavaScript
    16. JavaScript Operators
    17. JavaScript Operators, cont.
    18. JavaScript Operators, cont.
    19. Basic Looping
    20. Types of Loops in JavaScript
    21. Loop Control Statements
    22. Conditional Statements
    23. Ternary operator
    24. Switch statement
    25. Lab 09: Using Array Methods
    27. Array.filter()
    28. Array.reduce()
    29. Lab 08: Using Chrome Developer Tools – JavaScript Console
    30. Template Literals
    31. Functions
    32. JavaScript Objects
    33. Rest Parameter
    34. Spread Operator
    35. Object Matching
    36. Class Definition
    37. Class Inheritance
    38. Lab 10: Using JavaScript Objects
    39. The Document Object Model
    40. Lab 11: Performing DOM Manipulation 
    41. REST
  12. Intro to jQuery
    1. What is jQuery?
    2. Advantages of Using jQuery
    3. Including jQuery in Your Project
    4. Event Handling with jQuery
    5. AJAX with jQuery
    6. Form validation
    7. Data Integrity
    8. Client-side vs. Server-side Validation
    9. Lab 13: Contact Form with jQuery Validation Plugin
HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript